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9/17/23 - How can we find happiness and joy? How can we bear fruit? This psalm answers these questions.

9/24/23 - A good description of our Savior.

10/1/23 - Why we should learn to constantly run to our Lord for refuge.

10/8/23 - Ever wonder why it seems you have a harder life than the people who don't care about God? This psalmist did and we explore these questions (and answers) in our study of this psalm.

10/15/23 - There are many reasons to praise the Lord and reasons why we should be praising the Lord. This psalm explores some of those.

10/22/23 - Our Heavenly Father knows us inside and out & yet still loves us! This psalm examines the nature of God and knowledge about us.

Pastor Mike's verse-by-verse studies through the books of the New Testament

Pastor Mike's verse-by-verse studies through the books of the Old Testament

Ebenezer Faith Bible Church
630 State Route 93| Berwick, PA 18603 | 570-218-8978 | Email: | ©2015